Calendar time is coming around

With the clocks going back soon we’ll be heading into winter. Soon it’ll be time to look towards the new year.

And calendar time has long been on the minds of our fantastic service users at ASC. They’ve been drawing together some wonderful photos to capture the year for 2023.

On a busy morning at Orchard Court, competition judges – staff and service users – congregated together to take on the tricky task of selection. A veritable art gallery of nature was spread before them from which to agree on just thirteen of their favourites which will carry us through the coming year.

And what a job it was! There were numerous intense discussions, and lots of laughs, but they did it…

After thanks to everyone who took the time to send in their entry, the next task is to get the calendar published and on sale ready for purchase from The Lotus Enterprise – ASC’s service-user-led social enterprise, (Loving Our Talents, Unique and Special).

As inventor and engineer Charles Kettering, the American head of General Motors said, “Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress.” Here’s to 2023 being filled with all of those!

If you would like to order your 2023 Calendar, please email [email protected]

Categories: News