Monthly Archives: February 2022

ASC Social Enterprise Lotus tree blossoms!

ASC’s service-user-led social enterprise, the LOTUS project (Loving Our Talents, Unique and Special) is growing new branches just in time for Spring! We're all looking forward to the springtime weather and with that warmth comes Mother's Day and Easter - and Lotus can help you there. The new fruit of the project is [...]

2022-07-13T16:42:08+01:0022 February 2022|News|

ASC service user becomes cameraman as he captures live music event

Musician Chris White is a regular at our ASC Balbeggie facility, where he entertains service users and staff with his songs and acoustic guitar. Chris, known for his popular folk and pop medleys, performs out of the back of his car, setting up an amp and getting everyone in dancing [...]

2022-07-13T16:42:08+01:0015 February 2022|News|