Our Stories

ASC care worker unveils Tartan Army ‘Highland Coo’

A specialist care worker from Dundee has unveiled his latest art as part of a trail of 30 ‘Hairy Highland Coos’ taking place across the Perth and Kinross region this summer. Craig Cairnie, a Senior Support Worker with specialist care group ASC - part of leading care provider, BCG - [...]

2024-07-12T11:47:42+01:0012 July 2024|News|

Mental Health collaboration sees honorary membership by Carse of Gowrie Men’s Shed

Our specialist care facility in Perthshire has been recognised for their connection with the Scottish Men’s Shed Association by receiving lifelong membership. Based in Balbeggie, ASC is home to adults who experience stress and distress, or are diagnosed with learning disabilities. The facility has a fully functioning workshop on [...]

2024-04-11T11:20:31+01:0011 April 2024|News, Our Stories|

Strike me pink: ASC get dressed up for charity

The staff and service users of ASC dug out their finest pink outfits as part of their month-long fundraiser for Breast Cancer Now.  They donned the colour as part of a month of events to highlight the organisation. August is the charity's awareness month, and Laura McKechnie, Support Worker, has [...]

2023-08-24T15:33:52+01:0024 August 2023|News|