independent living

Busy days and chill times at Orchard Court

Two of our brilliant service users at ASC have been taking a course with Perth University of Highands and Islands over recent months. And now the dedication has come to fruition, with Marcus and Josh receiving their certificates for completing the football study from their lecturer and coach Steve. [...]

2022-07-13T16:42:06+01:0020 June 2022|News|

Dynamic Day trippers gad about from Dalguise and Orchard Court

Our fantastic service users at ASC have been busy making the most of days out now we can all go out and about as we want to, even if it's just a trip to the park to slide into the weekend!Birthdays are always an excuse for a trip somewhere, and [...]

2023-10-19T14:37:08+01:0017 June 2022|News|

Dundee care worker shows off his art skills in Channel 4 reality show

A specialist care worker from Dundee has been showing off his art skills as he competes in the Channel 4 programme Drawers Off, running each evening this week. Craig Cairnie (pictured on the programme), a Senior Support Worker with specialist care group ASC in Balbeggie, Perthshire, surprised his co-workers and service [...]

2022-07-13T16:42:06+01:0016 June 2022|News|

Our green-fingered service users get busy at Westbank

In a corner of Westbank in Perth, our service users have been getting busy. They are using the space at the community based project to grow plants, fruit and vegetables. The green space is providing an opportunity to learn about horticulture, and grow their gardening talents. Among the projects [...]

2022-07-13T16:42:07+01:0024 March 2022|News|

ASC Social Enterprise Lotus tree blossoms!

ASC’s service-user-led social enterprise, the LOTUS project (Loving Our Talents, Unique and Special) is growing new branches just in time for Spring! We're all looking forward to the springtime weather and with that warmth comes Mother's Day and Easter - and Lotus can help you there. The new fruit of the project is [...]

2022-07-13T16:42:08+01:0022 February 2022|News|

Christmas is all around in our Dalguise Centre at Balhousie ASC

Service users at ASC Dalguise Centre in Balbeggie have been going full out on the Christmas festivities, and dressing up for the occasion too! The guys and staff have been getting in the Christmas spirit with fruit mince pies, mulled wine, Christmas carols and Christmas quizzes. And at the [...]

2022-07-13T16:42:09+01:0021 December 2021|News|